Career and Technical Education » EHS Equity Plan: Enrollment and Retention

EHS Equity Plan: Enrollment and Retention

Everett High School strategies to promote equal educational opportunities and attract, enroll, and retain English language learners and Special Education students

8th Grade

K-12 students and staff,  parents, community, counselors, etc… will receive information  on CTE and non CTE pathways (mechanics, differences, etc…)  through: 

  • Prospective student night if possible
  • Classroom presentations with student ambassadors and non-traditional industry partners to increase representation if available
  • Parent meetings if needed
  • One day in CTE for students and parents if possible
  • Materials, etc…  
  • If possible/funds available, one week of summer programs in a CTE program.


9th Grade: Exploratory

Students from EPS K-8 Schools who received the information in 8th grade/see above

Because Everett High School has CTE and non CTE programs or pathways, only students who want to do a CTE program/Chapter 74 program will do Exploratory. 

See 8th grade / above for outreach initiatives that will take place in 8th grade to make sure incoming 9th graders know their options.

Students from another MA School + out of state / out of the country joining EHS as 9th graders

  1. Meeting with the Director and counselor to inform and share resources about CTE and non CTE pathways (mechanics, curriculum, etc…)
  2. If interested in any CTE pathway and if school is open
    • Check in with the CTE instructor 
    • Visit CTE classrooms 
    • Check with a student ambassador.

Students and families who are part of exploratory will sign this CTE Program Policy document acknowledging they understand and accept how students will be selected for Year 1 of the program(s) of choice. 

10th Grade: Year 1.

Students who went through Exploratory

Students will be selected for Year 1 of any CTE/Chapter 74 program by doing the following: 

  1. Pass Exploratory 
  2. Pass the rotation of the CTE program of choice with a minimum of 70 with the following requirements for the teacher: 
    • Rubric: 
      • Every rotation teacher will create an updated rubric of this one that works for their program. 
      • Students will receive a score per day of rotation.
        • For and Sped / 504 students - Teacher will keep record of accommodations implementation
        • For EL students - Teacher will keep record of  supports provided for students to access content.
        • If any student has more than 2 unexcused absences in a rotation, the teacher will communicate with parents asap. 
  3. Complete an application in which they have to:
    • Choose 2 CTE programs  
    • Write an  essay explaining why they want to be part of the specific CTE program(s). Essay will be reviewed by the CTE Committee.
    • Sign the CTE Program Policy acknowledgement form as evidence they understand the commitment to hours and requirements of CTE programs.
  4. If more applicants to a CTE program than seats available, there will be a lottery for students who have requirements 1-3 above.
    • A list of non selected students will be created and used for following lotteries if there is any new seat available. 

Students from another MA school who is already part of a CTE Program

The student will be placed in the same CTE program at EHS.

Students from out of state/out of the country joining EHS as 10th graders

  1. Exploratory waived.
  2. Meeting with the Director and counselor to inform and share resources about CTE and non CTE pathways (mechanics, curriculum, etc…). If the school is open, we will visit the classroom and talk to the teacher and ambassador.
  3. If interested in any CTE pathway:
    • If  the student registers before the lottery takes place, student will participate do step #3 above / application.
    • If the student registers after the lottery has taken place:
      1. If there are seats available in the program of choice, the student will be placed in it.
      2. If  there are no more seats available in the CTE program of choice, the  student’s name will be placed in the list of non selected students and if there is a new lottery because of a new seat available, they will have an opportunity to access the program.

Students who did not pass Year 1

Case by case.  If a student failed Year 1 for causes out of their control (medical/personal), then the student will be able to retake the course.

If during the year there is any seat available 

We will do a new lottery using the list of non selected students created during the lottery process for Year 1 to fill in the seat and after: 

  • Meeting with the students and families 
  • Signing CTE Program Policy

11th Grade: Year 2

For students who passed Year 1

Student who did not pass Year 2

Case by case.  If a student failed Year 2 for causes out of their control (medical/personal), then the student will be able to retake the course.

Students from another MA school who are already part of a CTE Program

The student will be placed in the same CTE program at EHS.

Students from out of state/out of the country joining EHS as 11th graders

  1. The student’s transcript will be reviewed to see if they were doing a similar program to the one of interest at EHS.
  2. If the student has some proven experience in a CTE program EHS offers, exploratory will be waived.
  3. Student will be placed in Year 2 of the program after: 
    • Meeting with the Director and counselor to inform and share resources about CTE and non CTE pathways (mechanics, curriculum, etc…). If the school is open, we will visit the classroom and talk to the teacher and ambassador.
    • If finally interested in any CTE pathway  we will add the student's name to the list created in Year 1 with non selected students after the lottery process for year 1. If there is any seat available in year 2, this student will have an opportunity to have access to the CTE program of interest.

If there is any seat available in Year 2

We will do a new lottery using the list of non selected students created during the lottery process for Year 1 to fill in the seat and after: 

  • Meeting with the students and families 
  • Signing CTE Program Policy

12th Grade: Year 3

For students who passed Year 2

If there is any seat available in Year 3

Because of the number of hours a new student has missed, we will not be able to fill the seat with a student who has not gone at least through Year 2.

Students from another MA school who is already part of a CTE Program

The student will be placed in the same CTE program at EHS.

Students from out of state/out of the country joining EHS as 12th graders

No CTE program unless there is evidence in his transcript that he has taken courses in the pathway of interest out of state/in his country. If this is the case, the student will be placed in year 3 of the program of choice in which they have previous experience.

All students will be provided opportunities to make up the work and  pass CTE courses every year and graduate with the industry certifications of their programs. Also, parents will be contacted when a student is failing the CTE course, including Exploratory.