Guidance » Monthly Planner: 11th Grade

Monthly Planner: 11th Grade

Resources for EHS 11th Graders


  • Check your transcript and make sure that you are taking the right courses to graduate.
  • Make lists of your abilities, social/cultural preferences and personal qualities.
  • List things you may want to study and do in college.
  • Make sure you have an account at NAVIANCE and take ‘Game Plan Survey.'
  • Ask guidance counselors for in- and out-of-school opportunities for internships and community service.
  • Update your resume by using the NAVIANCE.
  • Do not miss any college trip and fill out the pre- and post-college visit forms carefully.
  • Take PSAT/NMSQT on October.
  • Search colleges by using the NAVIANCE and start making your college list.
  • Search for a summer internship and enrichment programs. Rigorous programs have very early deadlines for applications.


  • Gather information about service academies if you are interested.
  • Register for SAT, SAT Subject Test, and ACT.
  • Open an account at NCAA Eligibility center if you are interested in college athletics.
  • Take weekend ACT and SAT practice given at the school.
  • Start searching for scholarships by using the NAVIANCE.
  • Apply for possible summer enrichment programs.


  • Visit as many colleges you can and sign up for Spring Open Houses.
  • Develop a list of 15 or 20 colleges that attract you.
  • If you are considering military academies or ROTC scholarships, contact your counselor before leaving school for the summer.
  • If you want a four-year ROTC scholarship, you should begin the application process the summer before your senior year.
  • Decide on teachers to ask for a recommendation letter; have transcript, resume, and college list ready to share with them.
  • Meet with Dean of Academics to decide about the next year's course selection.
  • Finish your registration for summer programs (college course, internship, summer camp, etc.).
  • Create your CommonApp account and start building your college application.
  • Write your college essay.


  • Find a full-time or part-time job, or participate in a camp or summer college program.
  • Visit colleges. Take campus tours and, at colleges you’re serious about, make appointments to have interviews with admissions counselors.
  • Learn about your June test results and meet with the counselor to update your plan.
  • Register for summer school if you need to be able to graduate.