» 9th Grade Checklist
9th Grade Checklist
- Know the high school graduation requirements at Everett High School.
- Plan your 4-year high school plan carefully.
- Get involved in sports, clubs, and volunteer activities in school and the community.
- Take interest and skills assessments via Naviance.
- Begin college exploration; it is never too early. Visit college campuses, conduct Internet research, and call admissions departments with questions.
- Attend class every day.
- Check with North Shore Community College’s TRIO office if you are eligible.
- Begin recording awards/certificates, clubs/activities, and volunteer work.
- Set short and long-term goals.
- Establish good study and time management/organization habits.
- Plan meaningful summer activities.
- Talk with your parents/guardians about saving and paying for college.
- Self-advocate. Communicate with teachers.
- Take the PSAT test. Review results with teachers, school counselors and parents/guardians.
- Challenge yourself.